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» God damn, 10 whole years.
Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk EmptySun Apr 02, 2023 6:02 pm by DIABLO258

» Citizen, Apply.
Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk EmptyFri Nov 19, 2021 1:52 am by DIABLO258

» These LONG years.
Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk EmptyFri Nov 19, 2021 12:44 am by DIABLO258

» You know what?
Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk EmptyTue Oct 20, 2020 3:39 am by Cergis

» I won't leave you
Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk EmptyThu Apr 30, 2020 5:03 pm by Lt.FallenAngel

» reminiscing of old times
Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk EmptyWed Mar 11, 2020 12:22 am by Gremnkai

» I wonder if
Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk EmptyMon Apr 04, 2016 9:58 pm by Gremnkai

» Good Memories.
Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk EmptySun Apr 03, 2016 2:04 pm by General Bravo

» can't actually reply to anything
Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk EmptySun Aug 30, 2015 6:46 pm by Moose_hater

Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk

Burnt Leaf
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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk

Post  Burnt Leaf Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:31 pm

Steam name: Greek (Burnt Leaf)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:3481615

Name of the administrator you wish to demote: Trippy Nightmare
Their steam ID (If possible):

Why do you want this person banned? Explain what happend:
Well, if you must know, this person had been lying for untold months. I have known Trippy for 6 months now, and he has unmistakingly lied to me. Not only that, but he has falsely banned, falsely accused, twisted words into multipe user's mouths, and has kicked/banned multiple players that never deserved it.
Do you have any evidence such as screenshots, or any witnesses?:
This has been going on for 6 months. I do not have any screenshots available and I apologize. But, Trippy has admitted to being these things and has not decided to contradict anything that I had said.
List the rules you think they have broken:
It is simple, disrespecting TC, lying to multiple users including staff, and manipulating multiple users. Not only that, but he has falsely banned/kicked players because he couldn't handle what they were doing. Simply put, I would like to go on record and state that many respected people have left this community because of him. For example, Jman would constantly leave due to how much he hated Kat/Ariel, however, once CHRIS showed up, he loved him. And not only that, Jman has left the server indoubetebly. And it shows that he does ot wish to return. Cherry was banned for the FIRST time because he had indirectly insulted "Kat." And due to his fake persona, many thought to defen Chris because they thought he was a girl. I believed it as well and I have a code of chivalry to uphold. And that code has een twisted to fulfill the needs ot an attention hogging little shit that does not understand that he has ruined the majority of many communties because of what he has done. Although,what I am saying may make no sense as I am very angered, I will put it plain and simple, Trippy has caused multiple problems wit hTC, SoTA, and anyway I have known him beforehand. I am NOT going to take "Oh, I am the victim" shit. I am verifiabally angry. I didn't even get this p[issed when I had that fight with Mahunik. I didn't get this pissed when I had that fight with Noob. Those were stupid and I admit they were not important. However, Trippy's actiopns are constantly being overlooked. Heis given second chane after second chance. And it angers me. I do not care if I am seen as an ass at this point. I care as to whether or not this person is banned because this person deserves it after causing multiple bans to Sword, CHerry, Jman, etc.. Think of it this way. Cherry's first ban, as stated earlier, was due to chivalry amongst all of us because we thought Chris was a woman. Jman was banned due to similar reasons multiple times because he had been provoked by Chris. I was lied to. When I was told that Chris was a girl, I thought that I should uphold some sort of chivalric code as I was raised with and I fervorently agreed to the bannings of multiple people that did not deserve it. Then, I am told that Chris comes up since Kat is at college. After that, things went down hill. He started acting up, kicking and banning people, unwilling to RP school people that really needed it.... And when people had a faildesc, he didn't ask them or he didn't tell them to change their faildesc. He just kicked and banned willy nilly. I was, of course, against this. I even spoke with you, Diablo, n multiple occasions about it. However, when reported, he was give a warning. Then there were multiple other incidents in which he was, again, given a warning. But I amgetting out of hand and I wrote over half of this when I was still in a fervorent rage. I calmed down by now after 2 hours. And now I have to say that I am angered still by these actins but I would also like to state that I understand that what I had done in reaction was foolish and I would understand if my Trial OP were to be revoked. I would also understand a banning. However, even if I am perma-banned, I will not rest until Trippy/Chris/Kat's Impersonator is brought to justice and therefore bannedas well.
Burnt Leaf
Burnt Leaf

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty I agree

Post  Jaquecz Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:32 am

To be honest, he really pisses me of alot. He constantly abuses his powers and he Fail rp's and uses his poweres to prevent his char's from dying, he even threatens to use his powers just to get people to stop arguing with him. it really pisses me off. i fully agree for this ban.

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty Re: Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk

Post  Gremnkai Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:31 am

Greek, just yesterday on Ryan you observered during a RP a blew up 2 people then left to avoid the consequences right after Trippy told you something you didn't like. Just because of that you are raging at Trippy for no good reason at all. Meleepayne you were mugged by 3 citizens in a bathroom when you are a 05. That's not failRP as they do not fear you that much, but back on topic. Greek just chill out and get over it.

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty Re: Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk

Post  Archimedes Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:49 pm

I like Trippy as a player and am friends with him but an very skeptical of his admining abilities.

I normally give him the benefit of the doubt, but he seems to have banned more people than every other staff member of TC combined. I don't know whether this is coincidence (which I doubt) or banning people who don't know how to rp/banning people for minor offences.

I do not think this request is far-fetced because I can validate a decent amount of Greeks claims, but this should be a demote request not a ban request.

I honestly don't know what to do here. The other SA's and I will convene and discuss the matter at our earliest convenience.
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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty Re: Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk

Post  Gremnkai Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:10 pm

Greek, for anything YOU should be questioned. Chris told you something you didn't like and you raged. You blew up 2 people during a RP then left to avoid the consequences. That's just wrong dude.

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty Well...

Post  Jaquecz Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:31 pm

Just read the rest of the OP, tbh i am very facepalm.

Dat grudge
TBH people need to learn to let the hell go already and that "chivalry" stuff sorta just made me speechless. in a bad way. Besides that now that i have calmed down myself i just think Trippy should lose his admin powers because he constantly abuses them. Especially when he somehow got into the slums. i didn't see any rp and all the doors were locked.

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty Re: Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk

Post  Gremnkai Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:41 pm

He used his Crowbar to lift himself up onto the platform in the CWU and broke in. Since one of the rebels destroyed the Combine lock to the slums via CWU he got in.

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty Re: Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk

Post  Burnt Leaf Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:54 pm

Grem. I have already admitted to killing two people. I didn't leave to ignore consequences, I rage quitted. If there are to be consequences then so be it. And to Melee, over half of this shit was written while I was still raging. I agree that Chris should be DEMOTED. Not banned. And yes, I did blow him up and another player. To the player of Austin, I apologize. Also to Austin, quick thing, I was RPing my character and Reeves does not give a shit whether he is in the Resistance or not. He only stays there to get fed. But that doesn't mean he follows every rule. Also, I do admit to my faults being that I DID rage and DC instantly. I apologize for that. But I still believe that Chris should at the VERY LEAST be demoted to user.
Burnt Leaf
Burnt Leaf

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty Re: Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk

Post  Trippy Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:55 pm

You know what, ill just let the players decide, but everyone here know that Greek was just banned be me yesterday for killing two people with no rp and then leaving to avoid punishment. So I'm sure he is just a bit angry he might lose trial Op as well. But people of TC go ahead and decide also Meel i know you think i abuse, but this is highly untrue you to be honest are the very worst CCA i have ever seen in existence to Hl2RP sorry to say you have horrid grammar and cant even do a correct arrest. Plus i see as though you may be holding a grudge against me from banning you for minging into the slums and killing a rebel, as a 05.....So please people of TC read this and hear the truth.

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty Re: Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk

Post  Burnt Leaf Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:59 pm

And like I just said, Chris, I admitted to it and I will take any punishment that is given. However, even if I were to be perma-banned, I will not stop requesting your demotion or banning until it is fulfilled.
Burnt Leaf
Burnt Leaf

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty This thread again..

Post  Masey Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:17 pm

Currently, I am busy but I saw this thread pop up so I'll voice my opinion a bit short..

Trippy should not be banned, I can see that some see he needs improvement on aspects but all in all he's a pretty coolio guy.

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty Re: Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk

Post  macholime Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:22 pm

Trippy shouldn't be banned, he's pretty cool

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty No

Post  Moose_hater Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:24 pm

Although Trippy Nightmare is not a very responsible admin, he shouldn't be demoted, overall he is a cool guy and he still does his job as an admin of TC well.

Admin EDIT: Please do not use red text for a complete post. It is to similar to admin actions being displayed.

Last edited by DIABLO258 on Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:03 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : No color :D)

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty Re: Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk

Post  Burnt Leaf Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:08 pm

Forgot to mention everyone. This was created for the staff and staff alone. My apologies but even though the opinions of the users is respected, this must be decided by the staff.
Burnt Leaf
Burnt Leaf

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty Re: Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk

Post  Burnt Leaf Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:09 pm

Guy Hero (Gremnkai) wrote:He used his Crowbar to lift himself up onto the platform in the CWU and broke in. Since one of the rebels destroyed the Combine lock to the slums via CWU he got in.
Yeah but where did he get the crowbar in the first place? Also, there is such a thing as not being allowed into the Slums without a guide, or verifiable reason.
Burnt Leaf
Burnt Leaf

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty Re: Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk

Post  DIABLO258 Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:36 pm

/me takes a deep breath.

Okay let me get started with the most recent turn of events within this community.
You both are guilty for almost two completely different reasons. Neither of you have any grounds to speak on the others behalf, regardless of what they have said or done.

This post is clearly a Demotion attempt. A ban is not needed, although it's close at hand if this continues.

A.) Greek:
Your points are very valid. Trippy has been given many warnings, and has been caught being very mischievous with his Admin abilities. I will come back to this.

-Cherries ban with "Kat" is not what is important. Cherry was banned for multiple other reasons other than a simple insult. I would never Perma Ban someone for attacking another player. They can be taught to change their ways for the better. But Cherry simply did not want to adapt to our new way to run this place. He wanted everything to be like DA, and he wanted to manipulate me and some other Admins to get this. How ever, it didn't work because I caught on and confronted him. He then went to counter my points by insulting me. Earning him a cozy ban.

-Jman wanted to leave. I never forced him out with a ban other than the time he came onto our forums and SPAMMED multiple messaged, insulting people left and right while using a different account. I traced his IP back to his normal account and banned him. After that, he came back on the communities word, and later left due to not feeling like he belonged here. Understandable.

-Chivalry is a very brave thing to hold close. I do the same amongst my IRL friends. But as a tip for the future, your views arnt seen as important to others as they are to you. Some people could say "Fuck all" and attack you without hesitation and say it was the right thing to do. Many will disagree with him. You could say "Fuck all" and actually respect women, but some people will not care. I personally like the fact you keep that rule close. Its important. But here on the internet, their are lots of opinions, and lots of those opinions are not the same as yours. Just a tip.

-Other than all of that, your now Demotion request is valid and will be taken seriously.

B.) Trippy Nightmare:
" be honest are the very worst CCA i have ever seen in existence to Hl2RP..."

-This sentence is what made me question whether you are defending yourself, or trying to attack others in a desperation for attention attempt. This is exactly what I DONT want to see. It will be censored in your post because it is a direct attack on the person you intended it to go towards. Sure its an opinion, but do not post it on these forums. Its detrimental to all of our well beings.

-I do believe that Greek has a grudge against you. But honestly, who doesnt? He has every reason to feel this way against you. He has seen you do a lot of things that anyone with the right mind would say is wrong. You have banned him for what was it... 4 days? Dont expect him to be all kind after the things you have done.

-He is correct about you lieing and deceiving us. You have lied about events to manipulate RP into your own way. You have faked the persona of a loved player within these peoples minds, and you used it as a way to get to an admin position, and at times used it as an excuse.

-You have no other response or any evidence stating that you are not guilty for nearly 100% of these claims. In fact, you admitted some to us directly. This demotion request will not be left up to the people. Instead it will be left up to the Admins, seeing as peoples choice could go wrong.


I will contact OP's+ to group together into a chat. Ill update this post when we have a verdict.

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty Re: Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk

Post  Burnt Leaf Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:03 pm

Okay. I MAY have been wrong about a few things, Thanks for pointing that out.
Burnt Leaf
Burnt Leaf

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty Re: Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk

Post  DIABLO258 Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:13 pm


Trippy Nightmare shall be demoted to the rank of Operator. His powers decrease and he shall be put on watch. If anyone catches anything similar to abuse or directly related to abuse, please contact an Admin and post it on the forums.

Greek's ban has been trimmed down. His ban ends sometime tomorrow, rather than an extra day.

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Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk Empty Re: Demotion request for Trippy/Chris/TheFakeKat/FakeAriel/Liar/Cheat/Jerk

Post  DIABLO258 Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:15 pm


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